
类别:生存冒险 系统:安卓,苹果
大小:未知 时间:2021-07-13


(51 人关注)


想寻找威力强大的刀剑来挂在小屋墙上,或是彻底摧毁入侵的敌人吗?你想找的东西可能就在散落岛屿各地的无数神庙之中。然而,要将战利品抢到手可不容易,想夺宝的各路好手都得做好为猎宝而战的准备。40+ New Trinkets
- It is now possible to level your player character via trinkets. There are 4 trinkets slots that can be earned that can be slotted with a variety of trinkets that can radically change gameplay.
- Trinkets such as burning damage, death bombs, infection, shields, tool damage and damage reduction and more!
- Trinkets have 4 unique tier slots so you can customise to your playstyle.
- Trinkets recipes are earned by performing objectives for the Taskmasters.
- A new trinket bench can be built to support this.
4 New TaskMasters
- There are 4 new taskmasters on islands beyond the starting one.
- These offer themed tasks which when completed offer ever increasing rewards most tied into the trinket system.
- More than 50 new challenges each with a unique reward.
- Taskmaster types are… Beastmaster, Collector, Gourmand, Salesman.
5 New Pets
- You can find an egg and if nurtured, gain a companion to keep you company.
Caves changes
- These have had an overhaul, they are now ‘gated’, you will need something to get into them.
- There are now many new resources inside that are required to support trinkets.
- There is now a bestiary in the journal that tracks animals and collectibles and also displays resources you might find on them.
New collectibles
- Over 10 new collectibles to find and new items to craft to find them.
World Changes
- Labyrinths now offer new rewards at the end. Have also been tweaked with regards to internal mobs.
- Legendary Weapons can now be repaired on the repair bench and gained as rewards from taskmasters.
- Generation has been changed so that there are now more distinct islands, increasing in difficulty along with breadcrumbs to lead you in the right direction should you with.
- Regenerate: Start a new game with the new features and take your inventory, mysterious chest, unlocked blueprints and 5 monkey friends along with you for a headstart. This is required for the new features.
- There are many new items to me found to support the new features.
- New harder Orclings can be now found, especially on Skull Island.
New Animals
- 2 new animals, one of which is a ‘loot goblin’.
- Elite variations of existing animals, needed for some of the tasks.
Elite Hunts
- With the right item you can now summon elite variants to fight, earning rewards to hand in to the Taskmasters.
New items & resources
- New items, recipes and resources have been added to support new features.
- Fulfilling objectives for the Taskmasters will reward you with items that can increase your inventory size.
- Mysterious tokens can sometimes be offered as a reward from the task masters.
- Unlock via tasks the right to purchase powerful trinket recipes from the new Token Shop.
Bug fixes and improvements.
• Fixed an issue with crops where some had missing or incorrect shadows.
• Fixed an issue where some animation frames were missing on north facing attacks.
• Fixed an issue where the player silhouette was not appearing behind mountains.
• Fixed an issue where players were able to add multiple weapons to the repair bench causing those items to disappear.
• Fixed an issue where some items were not visible when placed on a wall.
• Fixed an issue where on a rare occasion Monkeys would disappear when returning from an online session.
• Fixed an issue where reward chests were sometimes indestructible.
• Fixed an issue with the Steam controller profile where the A button was incorrectly being set as the B button.
• More save corruption fixes.
• General bug fixes and improvements.


