2023-09-07 22:34:23作者:饭克斯
血战麻将是一种热门的麻将游戏,充满了策略和惊险。如果你想尝试这个游戏, here are the basic rules of the game.
1. The game starts with 14张牌 being dealt face up on the table. These are known as the“ wild cards” and can be used to make any combination of 4张牌.
2. each player is dealt 13 cards from the top of the deck, and there are no“摸牌” rules in this game.
3. three of these 13 cards are dealt to each player, and the remaining 10 cards are called“手牌” and are not considered when making decisions.
4. each player is allowed to“碰”(add one of their own cards to the end of a combination) two times,“杠”(add two of their own cards to the end of a combination) three times, and“吃”(get one of the other player's cards) once.
5. once a player has“碰”ed or“杠”ed or“吃”ed their last two cards, they can no longer do this.
6. After each player has made their first move, the next player can make a move by“碰”ing or“杠”ing or“吃”ing one of their own cards.
7. After all of the players have made their moves, the game is over and a new hand is dealt.
8. There are no“摸牌” rules in this game, so players can make their final move by drawing additional cards.
9. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the“胜利者”(the“win” of the game).
These are the basic rules of the game, but there are many other strategies and tips that can help you improve your play. Don't be afraid to try new things and learn from your mistakes!
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