
2025-02-01 10:27:01作者:饭克斯




  • 确保你的角色等级达到20级,否则无法进行下一步。

  • 准备一个猪龙幼崽(Piglins),这是召唤PE的关键。


  • 找到一只猪龙幼崽,将其捕捉并带到安全的地方。

  • 使用“召唤之书”(Summoning Book)将猪龙幼崽放入其中一个召唤格子。

  • 按照召唤格子上的指示,点击“召唤”按钮,猪龙幼崽将被召唤出来。

  • 在召唤出的猪龙幼崽附近,使用“猪龙幼崽召唤卷轴”(Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned with the Piglins summoned



