
2023-07-07 12:04:28作者:饭克斯


Today, I am going to share with you an English map that will help you navigate the afterlife of口袋妖怪钻石. As you will see, this map has been designed with the four major cities in the game in mind, and it will provide you with a clear understanding of where you can find the most important items and resources.

Firstly, let's take a look at the map. You will see that there are four major cities that are mentioned on this map: Chattanooga, Chatanoogaoga, Tennessee, andoga,TN. These cities are where the game's four主角(Jian, Li, Yin, and Yang) live, and they are the focus of this map.

In Chattanooga, you will find the base of the主角团队, where they gather their equipment and learn new skills. In Chattanoogaoga, you will also find the location of the first objective in the game, the Pikachuchu mansion.

In Tennessee, you will find the location of the second objective, thechu Brain House. Inoga,TN is where the主角团队 meets up with the other teams in the game, and it is also the location of the third objective, the electric dragon大厦.

Finally, inoga,TN is where the final objective is located, the final exam center.

As you can see, this map will help you navigate the afterlife of口袋妖怪钻石, and it will provide you with a clear understanding of where you can find the most important items and resources. If you have any questions or need help with the game, don't hesitate to ask.


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