2022-07-07 10:11:18作者:饭克斯
Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah' they were all Yellow
I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
and it was called Yellow
So then I took my turn
Oh what a thing to have done
And it was all Yellow
Your skin
Oh yeah' your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
Do you know? you know I love you so
You know I love you so
I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh what a thing to do
Cause you were all Yellow
I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh what a thing to do
And it was all Yellow
Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
Do you know?
For you I'd bleed myself dry
For you I'd bleed myself dry
It's true
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine
Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And all the things you do
以上就是关于《光·遇》Yellow琴谱完整版分享的全部内容了, 希望能够帮助到各位玩家。更多游戏相关的内容各位玩家们可以关注游饭网,会一直给各位玩家们带来手游攻略!如果你对此文章存在争议,可在评论区留言和玩家们一起讨论。
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